Isra' Mi'raj at Polman Negeri Babel, Spreading the Academic Community to Exemplary Spiritual Values and the Example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel) commemorated the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 27 Rajab 1446 Hijriah with great solemnity on Friday (31/01/2025). This event, which took place in the Campus Hall, was an opportunity for spiritual reflection for all employees who attended.
A solemn atmosphere enveloped the hall from the start of the event, starting with the resounding recitation of the Koran tadarus, building a deep religious atmosphere. The participants seemed intent on listening to the holy verses, as if they were absorbing the meaning of the great journey of Rasulullah SAW from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque, all the way to Sidratul Muntaha.
Chairman of the Polman Babel Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM), Zanu Saputra, M.Tr.T., in his speech emphasized that commemoration of Isra' Mi'raj is not just an annual ceremony, but rather a momentum to increase faith and improve the quality of worship.
"This activity is a reminder for all of us that carrying out Allah SWT's commands is not only an obligation, but also a necessity in life," said Zanu.
Presenting the main speaker from Ma'had At-Tanwir, Ustadz Yuda Abdurrahman, this event was even more filled with wisdom. In his tausiyah, Ustadz Yuda highlighted the importance of the five daily prayers as the 'main souvenir' of the Prophet's journey.
"Isra' Mi'raj teaches us that prayer is the main foundation of life. "If we maintain our prayers, God willing, all our affairs will be easier," he said enthusiastically.
Not only that, Ustadz Yuda also emphasized the importance of maintaining morals in everyday life. He invited the Polman Babel academic community to make Rasulullah SAW a role model for honesty, discipline and concern for others.
"As academics and educators, we are not only responsible in the field of knowledge, but also in forming good character, as exemplified by the Prophet," he added.
This event closed with a meal together and prayer together, asking for blessings and ease in living life, both in the academic and spiritual realms. Warmth and enthusiasm were clearly visible on the faces of the participants who felt inspired by the messages conveyed.
The commemoration of Isra' Mi'raj is a reminder that the values of piety must always be maintained, not only in religious moments, but also in everyday life. Hopefully the spirit of Isra' Mi'raj will continue to be a motivation for the Polman Babel extended family in improving their self-quality and faith.