About D4 Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
The D4 TMM study program is one of the new study programs initiated by the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2014 based on the letter of the Director General of Higher Education No. 885/E.E2/DT/2014 October 17 2014, regarding the mandate to organize a new D-IV study program Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering study program Polman Negeri Babel, then followed by permission to open a D4 study program through Decree of the Minister of Ristekdikti No. 145/KPT/I/2016 April 14, 2016 regarding the opening of the study program mechanical and manufacturing diploma four program at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic.
Based on the mandate and the Ministerial Decree mentioned above, in 2017 the acceptance of new students for the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering DIV Study Program began. The current study program refers to the 2017 curriculum stipulated by the Decree of the Director of the Babel State Police No. 0308/PL28/KR/2017 Dated 16 February 2017 Concerning the Determination of the 2017 Curriculum for the Diploma Four Study Program in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic. Based on this curriculum, an evaluation of study program accreditation was carried out in 2019 with accreditation status C.
Referring to the results of the study program accreditation evaluation that has been carried out, it is agreed that at this time a curriculum evaluation should be carried out as one of the basic plans for submitting study program re-accreditation in the next year.
To become a center for vocational education and training in the field of Manufacturing Engineering Technology with applied science, technology, innovation and manufacturing engineering capabilities to support the nation's competitiveness.
- Access education quality, relevance and in terms of engineering and engineering to produce quality human resources.
- Improving science and technology capabilities through basic and applied research to produce added value for innovative products.
- Increasing community service activities by utilizing applied science, technology, and innovation.
Graduate Profile | Graduate Profile Description |