
Sungailiat Independent Culinary

If you go to Sungailiat city, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, if you want to find culinary delights, including Bangka specialties, please stop by Madiri Culinary. In this place available various types of culinary. This Mandiri Culinary, which is located on the edge of Jalan A. Yani Sungailiat, has been made stalls by the Bangka Regency Government more than 10 years ago.

Kuliner Mandiri was established to accommodate traders and small and medium enterprises engaged in the culinary business. Most of the culinary traders open their business from 17.00 WIB until late at night. But there are only a few that are open in the morning until noon. What I know is that the stall opens in the morning at Kuliner Mandiri, which is to serve buyers who want to fulfill their needs for the breakfast menu. Kang Yana's stall from Sumedang, West Java sells Nasi Kuning, Nasi Uduk and Lontong Sayur. One portion of food sold by Kang Yana is an average of IDR 12,000/portion.

After dawn, Kang Yana's shop was already busy with buyers. According to Yana, most of the buyers live around the local government complex, Parit Padang Village, Bukit Betung Village and surrounding areas. Ahead of office hours and when the office hours are just opening, many of the buyers are employees of the Bangka Regency Government because the location of Culinary Mandiri is close to the Bangka Regent's office and a number of other government offices.
Most of the stalls at Kuliner Mandiri only open in the afternoon, various culinary delights are sold, from local specialties to other regional cuisines that are well known such as Martabak, Soto, Sate, Nasi Goreng Lontong, Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, Mie Kuah, various types fries and others.

Meanwhile, local specialties such as Mpek-empek, Pan Tian, ​​Mie Koba and others can also be an option. These various foods are sold in one portion between Rp. 12,000 to Rp. 15,000. For girengan and Mpek-mpek lenjer, the average price is Rp. 1000, -.

This Independent Culinary, which is managed by the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of Bangka Regency, is also an effort to support tourism activities. Tourists who want to find culinary class of kaki lima merchants, which are clean when going to Sungailiar, I recommend choosing this place.
Even though at night the lighting in this location is not so bright, it doesn't mean that this place is a dimly lit shop. It is guaranteed that the Culinary Mandiri location is clean from the hangout of night women (psk) and is also clean from alcoholic beverages. There are no vendors selling alcoholic beverages. Warm drinks sold at Kuliner Mandiri only have Sekoteng, Cow's Milk and Soy Milk.

My favorite food at Kuliner Mandiri is only Nasi Goreng and Gado-Gado. For ordinary fried rice every night it is always crowded with buyers. This Nasi Goreng made by Mas Nardi has a unique taste, there is always an omelette also mixed with anchovies.
When you go to Sungailiat, don't forget to stop at Culinary Mandiri, the people's culinary offerings at affordable prices.



Kemplang or crackers are one of the typical foods of Bangka Regency. This type of food is often found in shops spread across all sub-districts in Bangka Regency. The business of making kemplang is classified as a home industry where most of it is carried out by housewives. The centers for making kemplang in Bangka Regency are Belinyu, Sungailiat and Merawang sub-districts. The most well known in Bangka Regency is Kemplang Belinyu which has a characteristic and delicious taste.

Kemplang is included as a side dish or it can be used as a side dish. The basic ingredients used are fish and tapioca flour. Fish can also be replaced with shrimp or squid.



Rusip is a traditional food of the people of Bangka. This food is made from fermented anchovies. Rusip is used as a substitute for chili sauce for fresh vegetables. Rusip is produced evenly in every area in Bnagka Regency. However, the scale of business is still small (household scale). This type of food is often found in shops selling typical food in Bangka Regency, some are sold directly from house to house.



Terasi is a food seasoning ingredient to make it more delicious and delicious. Terasi is known in solid and powder form. Powdered shrimp paste has been known since 2000. This shrimp paste is produced by a home industry, but this terasi diversification product is still rarely found in the market because the wider community is more familiar with shrimp paste in solid form. The advantages of this powdered shrimp paste are more practical in use and more durable. The areas for making shrimp paste in Bangka Regency are Sungailiat and Belinyu Districts.



Pantiaw is one of the typical snacks from Bangka. This dish is similar to laksa but has a different shape. Pantiaw is produced in almost every area in Bangka Regency on a household scale. Marketing is still very simple. Panties are usually sold from house to house or in shops/food stalls. The main ingredients for making pantiaws are sago and rice flour.


Bangka Belitung LEMPOK Cake

Souvenirs typical of Bangka Belitung (Babel) are diverse. BUKJAM noted that there were at least 20 types. Each souvenir from Bangka Belitung (Babel) has its own taste. Lempok is one of them. Lempok is a native Malay food, in this case Bangka Malay in particular. Initially, Malay Bangka used a preservation technique for the large amount of cempedak at harvest. Because if there is a lot of cempedak, if it is not preserved, it will rot and be wasted. Through this preservation process, Lempok Cempedak was born which is popular in Bangka Belitung (Babel) until now.

Lempok Cempedak is a typical souvenir of Bangka Belitung (Babel) which depends on the season. Cempedak season generally starts from the 4th quarter. Cempedak lempok which has the highest quality, pungent sweet taste, cempedak smell, dry soft lempok outer skin is slightly whitish, soft yellow inside. Delicious and savory. Lempok is very suitable to be your friend drinking coffee or tea. According to BUKJAM monitoring, Lempok Cempedak products are produced by cottage industries, then marketed to gift shops, traditional markets or deposited in restaurants or other strategic places.