Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic publishes Journals and Intellectual Property Centers at the Center for Research and Community Service and Book Publishers at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic in the Library. Aims to accommodate, encourage, and support the publications of Polmanbabel academics.
A collection of scientifically published articles and generally published regularly, for example two or three times a year.
Manutech is an interdisciplinary journal that invites researchers from academia and industry to join together and discuss scientific developments and the application of manufacturing technology and other related aspects.
Manutech focuses on manufacturing technology, automation, robotics and electronics, but does not limit it to this and can cover the following fields:
Electronics: generation and optimization of the use of renewable energy sources, image processing applications, speech recognition, artificial intelligence, motion control, robotics, automation machines, power electronics, power distribution and control, digital technology and devices, microcontroller and microcomputer, sensors and transducers , etc.
Information and Communication Technology…
Dulang is a community service journal published and managed by the Center for Research and Community Service at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic. This journal aims to inform the results of the dedication of the entire academic community about various innovations and solutions to various problems in society and industry. This journal is published in 2 editions every year, namely in March and September.
The scope of this journal includes:
The Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic Research Program aims to achieve and improve the quality according to the target and relevance of research results for the community; increase the dissemination of research results and protection of intellectual property nationally and internationally; and ensure the development of specific flagship research.
Polmanbabel's research is in line with national research policies covering fields such as Agricultural Food, Advanced Materials, Social Humanities – Cultural Arts – Education, Information and Communication Technology, and Integration of Research Focus on Energy – New and Renewable Energy.
To support the smooth running of research activities at Polmanbabel, it has organized and facilitated the entire academic community of Polmanbabel (lecturers, education staff, and students). Research conducted by P3KM Polmanbabel