Live in Bangka

As a coastal city, Sungailiat has a very beautiful marine environment in the east of the city. This beach facing the southern tip of the South China Sea and the Karimata Strait has developed into a representative tourist resort. Hotels, tourist lodges, quest houses or home stays and inns are thriving.

Student Activity Unit (SAU)

The Student Activity Unit is a place for students to gather with similar interests, hobbies, activities, and creativity. Students can gain knowledge, health and achievements in every field they participate in


Superior Facilities

Superior facilities are facilities or assets Polmanbabel always strives to provide a comfortable atmosphere in the campus environment, one of which is providing superior facilities to the entire academic community of Polman Babel. Some of the superior facilities at Polmanbel are the Library, Laboratory, Hall Building, Bus Transportation, Presentation Room and others.that are used to facilitate and expedite a job.


Sports Facilities

In addition to academic achievements, Polmanbabel also pays attention to students' non-academic achievements, so Polmanbabel is very enthusiastic in providing the best facilities for all Polmanbabel students so that they can support the talents that exist in students.
