Come on, register, SNBP Polman Negeri Babel 2025 is officially opened for outstanding students
The Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel) has officially opened registration for new students through the 2025 Achievement Based National Selection (SNBP). Registration takes place from 4 to 18 February 2025, providing an opportunity for outstanding students to continue their education at this superior vocational campus.
Deputy Director I of Polman Babel, Irwan, Ph.D., explained that the SNBP pathway is aimed at SMA/SMK/MA students in the final class of 2025 who have superior academic achievements.
"Applicants must have a National Student Identification Number (NISN), be registered in the School and Student Data Base (PDSS), as well as report cards that have been filled in according to the provisions," he said, Tuesday (4/2/2025).
Apart from that, students who wish to register must fulfill additional requirements determined by each State University (PTN), both academic and vocational. "Polman Babel as one of the vocational PTNs provides opportunities for students who have a proud track record of academic and non-academic achievements," he added.
In this SNBP pathway, eligible students can choose study programs at Polman Babel or other PTNs. "Students who choose one study program can register at PTNs throughout Indonesia, while those who choose two study programs must choose one at Polman Babel," added Irwan.
Complete information regarding the Polman Babel SNBP can be accessed via the campus' official website at ( This site provides a complete guide from requirements to the registration process.
Polman Babel New Student Admissions (PMB) Socialization Team Coordinator, Olan Romdhani, S.E., said that the campus continues to strive to socialize the SNBP pathway to schools so that more students are aware of this opportunity," he said.
"We want to ensure that information regarding the SNBP pathway is well conveyed to schools. Therefore, we are actively holding outreach, both online and offline, to reach more potential prospective students," said Olan.
He also hopes that more and more outstanding students from various regions will register at Polman Babel through this route. According to him, SNBP is a golden opportunity for those who want to get quality vocational education with promising job prospects.
"With the opening of registration for the 2025 SNBP at Polman Babel, prospective students are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity and register immediately before the specified deadline," he concluded.