A brief History Polmanbabel

A brief History Polmanbabel

Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polmanbabel) was established in 1994 (notary deed number 17 dated January 31, 1994) under the name Polman Timah Technical Academy which is one form of contribution in the education sector of PT. Timah.Tbk to the people of Bangka Belitung in particular and to the community global in general. At that time, it held two study programs, namely Diploma-3 Mechanical Maintenance and Repair Engineering and Diploma-3 Engineering Drawing and Mechanical Design with a maximum capacity of 144 new students. The following year, he added a Diploma-3 Electronic Engineering study program with a concentration on instrumentation and control.

On July 13, 1999, with the Decree of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 112/D/O/1999, it was changed to the Tin Manufacturing Polytechnic. The implementation of study programs that are very relevant to industry needs and supported by quality resources, in the following years led Polman tin to win various competitive grants at the national level which is support for efforts to improve the quality of education on an ongoing basis in order to achieve the vision to become an excellent educational institution in Indonesia. in manufacturing technology nationally and globally. 2003 was the first year the student team participated in the national technology competition “Indonesian Robot Contest (KRII)”. In the following years Polmanbabel students became more confident to excel in various national and global level competitions in the field of technology such as the Asian Skill Competition (ASC) for Mechanical Engineering Design, National Welding Competition (NWC), International Welding Competition (IWC), and Program Student Creativity (PKM) at the national level. Achievements at the national level in the fields of sports and art as well as the general public are also inseparable from the courage and enthusiasm of students to work.

The change of name and status to become the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polmanbabel) is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Education Number 25 of 2010 concerning Organizational Establishment and Governance of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic which is one of the government's efforts in developing the national vocational world.

In an effort to maintain the relevance of industrial needs and technological developments, since 2018 Polmanbabel has added 3 applied undergraduate study programs, namely Electronic Engineering, Software Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering Technology.