The Phenomenon of Budget Absorption at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic
Description :
Each government agency must have a budget that contains a work plan, systematically arranged and used as an indicator of performance achievement over a certain period of time, which is also called the State Income and Expenditure Budget or commonly abbreviated APBN. The budget is used as a guide in carrying out agency tasks. The requirement to consider value for money for making each policy in implementing the budget is a regulation that must be obeyed by every agency, where each agency is expected to carry out its activities effectively and efficiently.
In implementing the budget, problems often occur, especially in terms of budget planning, which results in low budget realization. Not infrequently we find in the media that the average government agency experiences low budget absorption in the fourth quarter, ironically, the tendency for budget absorption from time to time always shows acceleration in the last quarter of the fiscal year, even though agency leaders are competing to provide directions and even instructions so that their staff strive absorb the palace budget so that at the end of the year there are not too many leftovers that cannot be absorbed, but this incident always repeats itself every year. Why is that? So what's the impact?
How about this agency that we love? Has the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic experienced a similar trend?