Studying Abroad Is Not Just a Dream, 5 Polman Babel Students Pass IISMA 2023 Selection
SUNGAILIAT - POLMANBABEL. Going abroad while studying is not only a dream for students of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel), but it can be realized to mingle and study together with students on world-class campuses abroad.
This opportunity exists for Polman Babel students, through the 2023 International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program, which is a study program at selected overseas campuses for 6 months this year.
There were five Polman Babel students who passed the IISMA 2023 selection out of thousands of students from all over Indonesia from various universities in Indonesia taking part in the selection.
The five students consisted of three diploma three (D3) students including Sahrul Ramadhan, a D3 Electronics Engineering study program student who had the opportunity to study at Kangwon University in South Korea, Dila Andini, a D3 Electronics Engineering study program student passed at Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Taiwan, Yudha Cahya Pratama D3 Mechanical Design Engineering students passed the French Rubika.
Furthermore, there were two students from the diploma four (D4) study program, namely Veldi Handi Rahmadan, a D4 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering study program student who passed at National Formosa University Taiwan, and Muhammad Fadhilah, a D4 Electronics Engineering study program student passed at Ondokuz Mayis University Turkey.
"This is the second year that Polman Babel has sent students abroad through the IISMA program. Last year there were two students who had studied abroad," said Dedi Ramdhani Harahap as Head of the Polman Babel Career and Cooperation Center, Friday (5/05).
Dedy also explained that this year's IISMA was different from last year's because this year the vocational IISMA had joined the academic IISMA in terms of the management of IISMA 2023 which was born from the vocational IISMA program from 2022.
"In 2022 Polman Babel sent 11 students to take part in this program and only two students passed to Taiwan and Germany," said Dedy.
The IISMA program facilitates vocational students like Polman Babel to gain experience studying abroad for 6 months or one semester at selected foreign universities, there are around 40 overseas campuses that will accept students who pass in various countries such as Hungary, South Korea , Malaysia, England, France, Germany.
"This year the number of applicants for overseas campuses has increased by around 60 campuses that have passed the program, because many campuses have seen the success of the program from the previous year," he said.
He also said the five Babel Polman students who passed the vocational IISMA awardee this year had more diverse study program representatives, because students had seen the success of students who passed last year.
"Currently, students who pass the filing process and also participate in training include language, culture and others as provisions while abroad," he said.
The lecturer who graduated from STUST Taiwan's Masters Degree was also proud of the five Polman Babel students, because they were among the 600 students from all over Indonesia who had the opportunity to study abroad for free.
He continued, the IISMA 2023 Awardees who pass will depart next semester around September 2023, they will study for 18 weeks or one semester.
"Hopefully this year no one will be late due to paperwork or technically," said Dedy.
According to Dedy, the interesting thing about studying at Polman Babel is that students have the opportunity to study abroad, later these students will become ambassadors for Polman Babel to introduce Polman Babel to prospective students at SMA and SMK that studying at Polman Babel also has the opportunity to study at a well-known campus. abroad and overseas corporate internships.
"We hope that these students can carry the good name of the alma mater Polman Babel in particular and Bangka Belitung Province in general," concluded Dedy.
Meanwhile, Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Irwan said Polman Negeri Babel as a vocational higher education institution had implemented policies set by the government and implemented independent learning campus learning programs, one of which was the International Mobility Program for Indonesian Students, namely IISMA.
He continued, the IISMA program is a good program for students because it can send students abroad to study. This year is the second year that Polman Babel has been able to send five students abroad for 6 months.
"Polman Babel has implemented government policies related to educational achievements such as getting scholarships abroad, industrial scholarships, and study programs outside the campus," said Irwan.
"That is a form of support from Polman Babel so that programs from the center can be implemented," he added.
Apart from paying attention to student achievements, the doctoral graduate lecturer at Curtin University in Australia said that Polman Babel also emphasized students who had problems or who violated the provisions of educational regulations at Polman Babel.
"Polman Babel will also not tolerate student non-compliance with regulations, especially students who break the law or act against the law both inside and outside Polman Babel" said Irwan.
"Polman Babel students who are proven to have violated the law will be sanctioned up to the most severe form of Drop Out status in accordance with Polman Babel academic regulations" he added.