Developing Modern Agriculture, Polman Negeri Babel Opens Precision Agriculture Study Program
SUNGAILIAT-POLMANBABEL. Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic or what is often called Polman Negeri Babel continues to strive to add new study programs that can support regional and national needs.
One of them is the Precision Agriculture Study Program at the Applied Bachelor (D-IV) level which has received permission to open from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture based on a copy of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 257/D/T/2023 dated 02 October 2023. So currently the Polman Negeri Babel now has nine study programs with details of three third diploma level study programs and six applied undergraduate level study programs.
Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs at the Polman Negeri Babel, Irwan M.Sc., Ph.D. explained that the Precision Agriculture Study Program is a study program that will bring changes along with the industrial revolution 4.0 in the agricultural sector.
"The development of modern agriculture is marked by a change in the mindset of using resources appropriately according to needs," said Irwan (24/11).
Irwan also added that through the competencies possessed by graduates of this study program, modern farmers will be able to apply agricultural concepts that optimize the use of resources to obtain maximum results, including reducing negative impacts on the environment.
The competencies possessed by graduates of the Precision Agriculture Study Program are combined competencies between the fields of agriculture, electronics, machinery and information technology.
This study program is the only study program currently available in Babylon and even the nomenclature is based on a proposal from the Polman Negeri Babel.
Some of the advantages of the Precision Agriculture Study Program at Polman Babel include the current concentration of knowledge on horticulture and food development, adequate facilities and infrastructure, with learning dominated by 70% practice and 30% theory, as well as getting to know the Business World of Industry (DUDI) through mandatory internships for one semester.
Irwan also said that graduates of this study program will receive a Bachelor of Applied Agriculture (S.Tr.P.) graduate degree with various graduate profiles including agricultural practitioners such as academics, agronomy staff, agriculture officers.
Apart from that, you can become an agricultural technician such as agricultural technician supervisor staff and you can even become an agrotechnopreneur, namely an entrepreneur who develops technology-based agriculture.
"We hope that with this new study program, it will increase students' choices to continue studying at the Polman Negeri Babel in accordance with their interests and future aspirations," said Irwan.
He also added that new student registration at Polman Negeri Babel can be monitored via the Polman Negeri Babel website at or directly to the new student admissions page at the link then select the study program you are interested in. (hms)