Polman Babel's Seaweed Waste Counter Machine Wins 1st Place in the District Level TTG Competition
SUNGAILIAT_POLMANBABEL. The Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel) won first place in the Appropriate Technology (TTG) competition at the Bangka Regency level.
The competition, which was attended by Babel Polman students, featured a young coconut waste chopping machine (kellamud) competing with other TTG participants who were displayed at the Bangka Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service last Monday.
The team that assembled the mosquito netting machine consisted of students Diviya Arsieka Putri, Devanet Parlindungan, Aldi Pratama, Dandi Hernando, Ahmad Fauzi and assisted by Polman Babel lecturers Yuli Dharta and Subkhan received a score of 3.00 which was the highest score of the other participants.
Robert Napitupulu as the supervising lecturer said he was very grateful that students who presented their products could rank first at the district level.
"Thank you to the team that has been involved and supported, later the first and second place at the district level will be contested again at the provincial level, please pray for us to be able to reach the next level," said Robert, (17/03/2023).
"If it passes the provincial level, it will be taken to the national level which carries the name of the region," he continued.
He also hopes that students will continue to innovate, because currently what is needed is continuous innovation both on campus and in the community.
"Polman Babel students must be able to develop their creativity in the form of useful works like this," he said.
Robert also recounted the creation of the young coconut waste chopping machine, starting with the large amount of young coconut waste that was simply thrown away, especially later during the fasting season when the interest in consuming young coconut increased.
The impact of young coconut consumption will cause waste or garbage, after a field survey, one farmer used young coconut waste to make palm fertilizer but the processing was still traditional.
He continued, the farmer processed the young coconut waste by manually chopping it, so it occurred to the Babel Polman team to process the young coconut waste into a fine powder so that it would be easier to make palm fertilizer.
"The processing of this young coconut waste can be used as fertilizer for palm oil, we only make a waste chopping machine so that it is easier for farmers to process the fertilizer," said Robert.
The work system of this chopping machine uses a motor to crush coconut waste so that it will produce fine fibers that are used.
It was reported that the Bangka Regency Appropriate Technology Competition (TTG) had been held and opened by the Head of the Bangka Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD) on March 13, 2023 which was attended by 10 participants.
Polman Babel sent three TTG products in the competition including a machine for chopping mosquito nets (young coconut), a body weight measuring device "OPET", and a pineapple squeezer.
Of the three TTG products displayed, Polman Babel won 1st place for the mosquito netting machine and 5th place for the "OPET" body weight measuring device.
In his opening remarks the Head of the Bangka Regency DPMD said that all participants should continue to innovate continuously, losing and winning are normal, but if possible the TTG that is made can provide progress for the community, especially in Bangka Regency.
The assessment process was carried out, each participant was given time to present the tools/machines that were made, then continued with machine trials and closed with questions and answers by the jury.
This innovation competition is an event to apply the ideas and creativity of participants in the application of appropriate technology.
He hopes that every year it can continue and continue to be carried out, so that innovations are created for the community.