Discussion of Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program, Polman Babel Together with Stakeholders Explore Regional Potential in Preparing Work-Ready Graduates
SUNGAILIAT-POLMANBABEL. Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel) carried out the first discussion activity of the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program for Regional Potential-Based Innovation Development in South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Provinces with stakeholders from the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government last week.
Polman Babel together with stakeholders explores regional potential in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, especially as material for preparing work-ready graduates from vocational education such as Polman Babel.
In this program, the Research Team from the Babel State Police invited the Regional Secretary, Head of Bappeda, Head of the Department of Industry and Trade, Head of the Manpower Office, Head of the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Education Department and the Head of BPJS Employment for the Babel region.
The discussion, which was held on November 13 2023 in the Babel State Police presentation room, discussed issues that constitute the superior potential of the Bangka Belitung Islands region and their relationship to the need for a productive workforce.
The Director of Polman Negeri Babel welcomed the presence of the Regional Government at Polman Babel to discuss the regional need for competent human resources.
"Thank you to the department heads who were present, hopefully this is the first step for all of us in providing quality human resources for regional development," said Made in his speech (13/11).
Starting with the research team's presentation, Ramli explained the aims and objectives of implementing the program to strengthen the partnership ecosystem which is beneficial for the Bangka Belitung area.
"This program is to harmonize the number of workers in the regions with the need for workers as well as the competencies expected from the business world and the industrial world so that a good ecosystem will be created," said Ramli.
According to him, currently the qualifications or skills of graduates, especially vocational ones, are still not in line with the qualification needs of DUDI and regional communities because there is still a lack of strong coordination between vocational education, regional government, Dudi and the community, so harmony and a partnership ecosystem are very necessary.
"Through this program and discussion there will be an overview regarding the mapping and alignment of supply and demand in a partnership ecosystem," he continued.
Apart from that, it will also increase the quantity and quality of partnerships, interactions, roles and commitments as well as participation of the Regional Government, Dudi and strategic stakeholders in Bangka Belitung in the implementation of priority vocational education policies and programs.
Ramli also said that in the ecosystem program, Polman Babel is a member of a consortium of several vocational universities, as the organizer of this activity from the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic which covers the South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung regions.
"Polman Babel is only a consortium member of this program and is entrusted with coordinating the potential of the Bangka Belitung region," he said.
Furthermore, he explained the research system for this program using the workfoce planning, innovation planning and policy brief methods.
Meanwhile, Head of Bappeda for Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Feri Insani, said that Bangka Belitung has superior potential, including mining, forestry, agriculture, maritime and agro.
"Our challenge is that in mining we cannot expect much because it is non-renewable and limited, in the forestry sector the shortage requires hundreds of years of regeneration," he said.
"The potential currently supports agriculture, as well as maritime affairs and agro because this is productive potential to be used as a direction for future policy," he continued.
In line with Elius Ghani, Head of Labor for the Babel Islands Province, he explained the need for labor in various business sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining and quarrying as well as the trading industry and management industry.
He has also held internal meetings and mapped out data collection tasks related to workforce plans in Bangka Belitung in discussion with the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower.
"Regarding the description of labor data, we have gathered and mapped it, we have also discussed it with the Ministry of Manpower, targeting that the data will be collected in one to two months," he stressed.
According to him, this program is very well implemented in order to obtain the real situation of the region, starting from data then making predictions, forming an appropriate ecosystem between universities and DUDI in Babel so that it can be targeted from the results of this program, there will be the opening of new study programs in Bangka Belitung according to needs in the field.