TRPL Student Competency Certification Exam, Performs Brilliantly in the Web and Mobile Programmer Scheme
Polman Babel - Software Engineering (TRPL) students at Polman Babel have once again demonstrated their commitment to improving competency certification exams covering two schemes, Web Programmer and Mobile Programmer.
During monitoring, the competency certification exam will be held for two days, attended by 28 students, including Theory and Practical exams in the Joint Lecture Building in the Laboratory sector, rooms five and six, Tuesday (06/08/2024).
Before the exam is taken, students have prepared themselves thoroughly through various training and guidance organized by the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) Polman Babel Campus in collaboration with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
As assessor, Riki Afriansyah., M.T. giving his feedback regarding the implementation of the exam, he was very impressed with the readiness and ability shown by the students who had prepared themselves well to be able to answer the exam questions competently.
"The facilities at Polman Babel are also very supportive, and I am sure this certification will provide significant added value for the students themselves," said Riki.
Meanwhile, other assessors also opined, Ahmat Josi., M.Kom. delivering this exam is a quality tool for students to show that they have received quality education and training and understand basic concepts and are able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge effectively.
"He hopes that students can continue to utilize this certification to develop their careers to ensure that our graduates have skills that are recognized nationally and internationally," emphasized Josi.