Babel State Polman Lecturer, Achievement in Publication of Sinta Empat's Research
Polman Babel - Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic congratulates the appreciation given to researchers and academic lecturers in encouraging increased research publications and journals, Wednesday (10/07/2024).
With the publication of research conducted by Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hasdiansah., M.Eng. "As the supervising lecturer, he also said that all this time he had been struggling to provide direction to two students who were able to publish the results of their work, reaching three articles in the categories of JITT Dynamics Momentum Sinta Empat and JITT Dynamics and Quantum Teknika Sinta Empat," he added.
"Alhamdulillah, the two students I have supervised have achieved the best publication results. "With these results, the students' hard work is not in vain, and don't forget that even though you have achieved the best results, remember never to get tired of working again," he said.
He said that research had been carried out on a waterjet engine, the use of this machine was to improve the performance and efficiency of the thruster by varying the number of inlet blades and the number of turbo outlet blades up to using levels of 8 blades and 15 blades and the manufacturing process for waterjet thruster components such as the inlet, "The impeller and turbo outlet use Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology to obtain high dimensional accuracy," he explained.
Hasdiansah hopes that the publications he has obtained can encourage the improvement of a better research culture for Polman Babel. Because according to him, the basis of writing publications is research. "So research to support this publication requires a conducive and increasing climate," he said.
"Hopefully in the future the results of the publications I make will be very useful for academics at the Polman Babel campus and as motivation for other lecturers in scientific work to publish research to be even more enthusiastic," he concluded.
When confirmed, one of the students, Thala Viniolita, commented on the achievement of publishing the momentum journal accredited Sinta 4, I am very grateful and proud of this achievement. There are so many processes that have to be gone through and a long journey to be able to qualify for a Sita 4 accredited publication.
"I am very grateful to all the lecturers who contributed, especially my supervisor, Mr. Hasdiansah, who was always patient in guiding the progress of this research. Likewise my comrades in the Waterjet Team. "And I really hope that this research will become a reference for similar research or other research," he said.
Furthermore, for students who want to start writing journal articles, the writer must really understand what will be written or included in the journal article based on the stipulated provisions, and the main point in writing journal articles is consistency and the great responsibility that must be had by someone who wants to research and "Write a journal, because consistently, God willing, what we have written well will provide information or knowledge to readers and become a reference for many people," emphasized Thala when met.