XXVII Polman Babel Graduation, Graduating 164 D3 Students and 113 Applied Bachelors
SUNGAILIAT-POLMANBABEL. The Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polmanbabel) has successfully held the annual 2023 XXVII graduation procession solemnly on Wednesday, (13/09/2023) at the Polman Babel Hall in the Air Kantung industrial area, Sungailiat, Bangka.
This year's graduation Polman Babel graduated a total of 277 students consisting of 164 students from Diploma Three (D3) and 113 Applied Bachelors (D4).
In detail, the graduates from each study program include:
- 56 students majoring in D3 Machine Maintenance and Repair Engineering
- 51 D3 Mechanical Planning Engineering students
- 57 D3 Electronics Engineering students
- 58 DIV Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Students
- 27 DIV Electronics Engineering students
- 28 DIV Software Engineering Technology Students
The graduation was held in the Open Session of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic Senate with the agenda of Graduation XXVII Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic.
Attended by the Acting Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu, Assistant for general administration of the Bangka Regency Government, Representatives from Kodim 1413 Bangka, universities in Babel, and Polman Babel partners as well as parents or guardians of graduates.
The Open Session of the Senate of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic with the agenda of the XXVII Graduation Ceremony of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic was opened by the Chairman of the Senate of the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic Indra Feriyadi SST, MT.
Meanwhile, the reading of the judicial decision letter from Polman Babel was read by the Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Irwan M.Sc, Ph.D.
"In this year's XXVII Bangka Belitung State Police graduation, there were 277 students who graduated," said the Director of the Bangka Belitung State Police, I Made Andik Setiawan M.Eng, Ph.D in his speech (13/09).
Made thanked the invited guests for their presence, and also expressed his gratitude to the parents who entrusted Polman Babel to educate and teach the graduates so far.
He advised the graduates that after leaving college with this degree, never give up on learning, and continue to work and be useful to others.
"Sister graduates, to work and be useful does not have to have wealth and power, but just knowledge, and continue to develop and learn to develop your abilities," he said.
Furthermore, Made also conveyed several Polman Babel graduates and students who had worked and continued their studies abroad in Hungary, Taiwan, South Korea, England and the USA.
"There are several Polman Babel graduates who are interning and working or continuing their education abroad through the internship program, 2+i Industry Academia and the IISMA 2023 Program," he said.
At this graduation ceremony, it was also announced that there were several graduates who achieved the highest GPA and best discipline graduates.
Highest GPA graduates D3 Mechanical Design Engineering: Agustinus Saputra GPA 3.48 son of Pitrianto & Nirmala Sari
Highest GPA D3 Machine Maintenance and Repair Engineering Fenni Yulianti GPA 3.45 for Harapan and Yuliana's children
Highest GPA D3 Electronics Engineering: Dea Amanda GPA 3.56 Aat Sumarna & Sumita's child
Highest GPA D4 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Ummi Khalsum GPA 3.74 Kamaludin & Sariyatina's child
Highest GPA D4 Electronics Engineering: Muhammad Miftah Syahfiqri GPA 3.66 son of Rozali & Saliah
Highest GPA D4 Software Engineering Technology: Agus Fitriyani GPA 3.91 son of Ho Tjo Min & Bong Kim Nyun
Best Discipline Graduate
- D3 Mechanical Design Engineering: Abdan Syakuro son of Rodhillah & Rosmini
- D3 D3 Machine Maintenance and Repair Engineering: Abdullah Maulana Hafiz son of Syamsu & Nurhayati
- D3 Electronics Engineering: Ihzam Febriansa son of Tamsu & Ernawati
- D4 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Ahmad Rifaldi son of Meiladi Rifani & Etty
- D4 Electronics Engineering: Andreas Lie Alviero son of Paulus Yusuf & Elizabeth.Ew
- D4 Software Engineering Technology: Adi Putera Zhou, son of (the late) Dejong Fat
- Meanwhile, Acting The Governor of Babel, Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu, in his speech said that the graduates of the Babel State Police Department could bring a good name to the alma mater.
Moreover, the Bangka Belitung State Police is one of the universities in Bangka Belitung to produce reliable human resources to develop Bangka Belitung in the future. Although in principle universities have the same goal, namely to become centers of excellence.
"Every time I am invited to a tertiary institution, I always remind them that currently we are still at the lowest level of education, especially for tertiary institutions in Indonesia and the Bangka State Police have played a role in increasing the number of tertiary graduates in Bangka Belitung," said Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu.
Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu said that Polman graduates are graduates who are ready to work.
"Not only as a workforce filler, it is hoped that Bangka Belitung State Police graduates will also be able to create jobs," said Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu.