Collaboration between Polman Babel and SMKN 1 Manggar, Run the Link and Match Freedom Learning Program
SUNGAILIAT_POLMANBABEL. The Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Negeri Babel) cooperates with the Manggar Belitung Timur 1 Vocational High School (SMK) in implementing the link and match concept and the independent learning program.
This collaboration was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement by the Director of the Polman Negeri Babel, I Made Andik Setiawan, M.Eng., Ph.D and the Head of SMK Negeri 1 Manggar, Triyudo Hendro Sasongko, S.T on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at the campus Polman Babel
Present at the signing of deputy director III, Eko Sulistyo, M.T, Head of Planning and Cooperation Subdivision, chairman and team members of the Polman Babel career and cooperation center and Edy Yunarsah, S.H from Quality Management SMK Negeri 1 Manggar.
Polman Babel Director, I Made Andik Setiawan welcomed the arrival of SMK Negeri 1 Manggar Belitung Timur to collaborate in implementing the independent campus program through implementing the link and match concept.
Several scopes that can be collaborated include the preparation of a curriculum by strengthening the aspects of soft and hard skills as well as the character of work culture through real project-based learning or PBL.
Apart from that, implementing guest teacher programs, field work practices or PKL, skills competency test activities or UKK, technology updates and teacher apprenticeships, as well as developing a concentration of Software Engineering expertise (RPL).
"We can't be great alone, we have to cooperate with each other in improving education, especially implementing the independent learning program," said Made (29/03/2023)
"This collaboration is a form of Polman Babel implementing links and matches between educational institutions, so far we have also collaborated with high school and vocational schools in Bangka Belitung," he added.
He hopes that this collaboration will continue according to existing needs and agreements, the implementation of the collaborative program will be assisted by the Polman Babel career and cooperation center team.
Meanwhile, the Head of Manggar State Vocational School, Triyudo Hendro Sasongko, has a target in this collaboration, namely for students to excel and be able to compete in the world of work after graduating from school.
"The target for this collaboration is that later our human resources will be truly ready to use. We hope that these SMK graduates will really be absorbed into the industrial world and then also be able to continue on to higher education," said Hendro.
He explained that SMK Negeri 1 Manggar had become a center of excellence for light vehicle engineering, motorcycle engineering and computer network engineering and would add another major in software engineering.
Hendro also has a dream from this collaboration that in the future Polman Babel can open online classes for students in East Belitung, one of the reasons students there don't go to college is not because they don't want to go to college but because they are constrained by costs to study outside Beltim, so according to him the right solution going forward can open online courses.
"We hope that in the future Polman Babel can open online classes and practical facilities can be used at our school, only the teaching staff can come here," hoped Hendro.