Academic Information System (SIAKAD)
Academic Information System (SIAKAD)
Instructions for Using SIAKAD for Students
Use of SIAKAD for students. What is SIAKAD? SIAKAD, an acronym for Academic Information System, is an interactive academic information system, which was built to provide convenience to users (lecturers, students and campus employees) in online campus administration activities.
Such as the process of admitting new students, making class schedules, filling in student grades, and managing lecturer, student and other academic data. This system also serves as a support for data analysis in determining campus decisions.
SIAKAD for Data Integration
SIAKAD manages all data in an integrated manner so that the data will always be up to date/real time and always ready for use, as well as reducing the possibility of data duplication, because SIAKAD uses a centralized database system.
Use of SIAKAD for Students
Students can print KRS, class schedules, KHS and transcripts online, accessible anywhere and anytime.
Instructions for Using SIAKAD Cloud for Students
UTo help students who still have difficulty using siAkad Cloud, here are some tutorials that can help you:
how to login :
entered into
login with username : NIM/NPM
password : date of birth (YYYYMMDD) ex. 20030223
How to View and Print Grades (KHS)
How to Make Online Payments (Generate Virtual Account)