UKM UKKI Al Farisi


This organization is called the Al-Farisi Islamic Spiritual Activity Unit at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic, abbreviated as UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel was established at Polman Timah Campus in 1994 and was ratified as a UKM on Saturday, July 22, 2006. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel is domiciled at the State Manufacturing Polytechnic Campus of Bangka Belitung. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel is based on Islam. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel is under the auspices of the Student Executive Board. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel is based on the Koran, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and has an ideological basis of Pancasila and GBHOK as a constitutional basis. UKKI Al-Farisi Polmanbabel is open to Islamic students at the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic Campus.


The formation of a comprehensive and solution-based Muslim engineer in the ties of ukhuwwah Islamiyah for a civilized Polmanbabel campus.


  1. Fostering Islam, faith and devotion to UKKI Al-Farisi cadres.
  2. Creating a forum for fostering Islamic insight for the academic community in accordance with the needs and problems of the campus.
  3. Establish communication and cooperation between internal and external campus organizations.
  4. Developing Islamic symbols on the Polmanbabel Campus.